Dr. Mandy Chen
Dragonfly Psychology Clinic, BC Canada

Dr. Mandy Chen
Registered Psychologist

Dr. Mandy Chen received her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the University of Toronto, and her Ph.D. in clinical psychology from the University of British Columbia. She completed her pre-doctoral residency at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, and a post-doctoral research fellowship in the department of Pediatrics at UBC. Since 2008, Dr. Chen has worked with families of children and adolescents with a wide range of psychological needs (e.g., anxiety, depression, history of trauma, behavior problems, family conflict, neurodevelopmental conditions) in a variety of settings (i.e., pediatric hospital, university clinic, community mental health centers). She worked for many years as a clinical psychologist at BC Children’s Hospital before entering private practice in 2014. Currently, in addition to working in private clinics, Dr. Chen also provides consultation and assessments for teens in the inpatient psychiatric unit at Surrey Memorial Hospital.

Dr. Chen is fluent in both English and Mandarin-Chinese, and provides therapy and assessment in both languages. She employs empirically-supported treatment approaches, and is collaborative and client-centered in her practice. Dr. Chen also regularly gives talks in schools and the community to increase public awareness and knowledge of childhood anxiety.

陳瑤珉醫師持有多倫多大學心理學學士學位及英屬哥倫比亞大學 (UBC) 臨床心理學博士學位,並於畢業後在UBC的兒科醫學院部門完成博士後研究。自 2008 年以來,陳醫師除了在多倫多的病童醫院完成為期一年的駐院實習,並曾在相當多元的機構中(包括兒科醫院,大學診所,社區心理健康中心)協助了許多有各種不同心理輔導需求的兒童和青少年 (例如,焦慮,抑鬱,受虐,行為問題,親子衝突,神經發育問題)。陳醫師曾在BC兒童醫院擔任心理醫師多年,也定期在學校和社區舉辦講座,以提高公眾對兒童心理問題的認識和知識。目前,除了在私人診所工作之外,陳醫師也為在素里紀念醫院精神科住院的青少年提供諮詢和評估。
