Dr. Annie Hsieh
Registered Psychologist
I am a Registered Psychologist (CPBC #2073) specializing in working with children, adolescents, and their families. I obtained my Master’s and PhD degrees in Clinical Psychology from Queen’s University and completed my residency in Child Clinical and Pediatric Psychology at Alberta Children’s Hospital. My experience includes working at Sunny Hill Health Centre for Children (BC Children’s Hospital), where I conducted diagnostic assessments and developed personalized program plans for children and adolescents facing complex neurodevelopmental, emotional, and behavioural challenges. These challenges encompass a range of issues such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, prenatal substance exposure, intellectual and learning disabilities, attention challenges, attachment issues, and chronic health conditions. I have also gained valuable experiences in various treatment settings, including community mental health centres, youth forensic services, university counselling centres, and hospitals.
I offer a range of assessments – Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), psychoeducational, developmental, and intellectual giftedness assessments. When it comes to treatment, I provide evidence-based therapy tailored to address the specific needs of individuals dealing with anxiety, mood, and behavioural difficulties. As research shows, the most crucial part of a successful therapy is the connection between the therapist and the client. I strive to create a therapeutic environment that is personalized and responsive to the unique circumstances of each client. I am fluent in both English and Mandarin and I can provide services in either language.
謝宜錚博士是位註冊心理醫師,專為兒童及青少年提供心理方面及精神疾病的診斷、評估、及治療。她於加拿大皇后大學臨床心理學系取得碩士及博士學位,在亞伯達省兒童醫院取得兒童臨床及醫療心理學駐院經驗。曾任職於BC省兒童醫院的Sunny Hill Health Centre,為1到19歲有神經發育障礙或複雜情緒行為問題的孩童與青少年提供評估、診斷及輔導計畫 (例如: 自閉症、胎兒酒精中毒綜合症、學習障礙、注意力不足過動症、智力或整體發展障礙、憂鬱症、焦慮症、心理創傷等) 。她擁有豐富多元的臨床經驗,其中包括大學心理輔導中心、少年觀護所、社區心理衛生中心以及醫院。